About Our Scouts

Cub Masters

Cub Master

Megan Busser


Assistant Cub Master

Assistant Cub Master

Lara Linneman

Assistant Cub Master

Bob Bribisieca

Pack 205 Bylaws

The purpose of Cub Scouting is to provide an effective educational program designed to train the responsibilities of citizenship, provide growth in moral strength and character, and to enhance the development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness

The Goal of the Pack is to have the scouts follow the Cub SCout Motto “Do Your Best”

Pack 205 is within San Bernardino county and is in the following District:

Pack 205 By-Laws 2023.pdf

Parent Adult Leaders - PALs

PALs are essential to our Pack. Den & Committee leaders already have enough work to do to take care of weekly and monthly affairs of their respective post, therefore, having an extra pair of hands or more to take care of other activities is essential to have better results in Pack and Den events and activities. All parents/guardians are welcome to come to PALs - even if just to observe.

Parent Volunteers come and take the lead to plan a certain activity.  We understand some parents prefer to remain involved "behind-the-scenes", and we also know there are others who don't mind being in the front, talking to the crowd, etc. 

Planning ahead is key. If you need guidance, the Committee and Den Leaders are here to help or acquaint you with how the event took place in the past, what the budget is, etc. Attending monthly pack committee meetings to present your plan or idea, at least two months in advance will be ideal. It'll also help to know details of your plan so we can promote it and have success in executing activity. Nothing is too small or too much, as long as you enjoy participating and it will bring fun and learning to our Cub Scouts.

PALs meet on the 2nd Monday of every month at Crosspoint Church - Contact either our Cub Master or Assistance Cub Master with any questions or just to let us know you are coming to PALs meeting

Den Leaders